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Bruce is dedicated helping managers become more strategic; get people out of silos and working with trust and cooperation; and develop leadership throughout the organisation. For you it's about reducing bureaucracy, opening communication and releasing energy in under-performing managers, staff and processes.

Monday, July 21, 2014


The whole theory of strategy is about being strongest at the decisive point. In other words, knowing what really matters and then putting real horsepower behind these things. The analogy is of a sharp knife that cuts through easily or a magnifying glass that focuses the sun until fire occurs.

It’s about doing more of what matters and less of what does not matter. Doing less of what no longer matters is at least as important as doing more of what does.

Despite the logic of this, studies have shown that lack of management attention is one of the major reasons why strategy fails. In a recent distressing survey it was found that 85% of management teams spend less than one hour a month discussing their strategies. 

Success means focusing managers’ attention more often on achieving their strategies. How can we do this?

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