Take the following test. Rank the following three statements from most true to least true:
What do you think? |
About Me
- Bruce's purpose is to "Liberate the human spirit at work"
- Bruce is dedicated helping managers become more strategic; get people out of silos and working with trust and cooperation; and develop leadership throughout the organisation. For you it's about reducing bureaucracy, opening communication and releasing energy in under-performing managers, staff and processes.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Leaders know human nature. Do you?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Are you an energy sucking manager?
In my experience there are two types of managers:
- Refrigerators
- Radiators.
This may sound simplistic but I'm sure you have all felt what I mean. In the presence of some people (refrigerators) I feel about as strong an earthworm. In the presence of others (radiators) I feel I could do almost anything.
Refrigerators suck energy out of the system. They make people feel useless, worthless and hopeless. They have all the ideas. No one else has much to offer. They have to be at the centre of everything. In their presence others give up.
Radiators push energy into the system. They make people feel BIG, worthwhile and hopeful. They allow others to suggest ideas. They know everyone has a genius factor and help them find it. In their presence almost anything is possible.
Refrigerators can be turned into Radiators. It takes time to change their mind sets, a well structured process, measurement and peer-pressure.
Business needs more radiators. How do you think we can create them?
Do people follow you because they want to, or because they have have no choice?
Who have been the real leaders in the world?
For many years we have asked this question. The first type of leader identified usually includes Hitler, Thatcher, Muldoon, Churchill, Napoleon and Caesar.
Then, after deeper reflection, people start to come up with names like Gandhi, Mandela and Mother Theresa.
Which group do you belong to?
The first group we call Control Leaders. They force their way toward their goals but often at the expense of other people. They tend to control people and stand over them. They want to lead and others to serve. They have all the answers and in their presence others feel small. People follow them because they have no choice.
The second group we call Authentic Leaders. In my workshops on influence, these are the people participants say have changed their lives. Imagine someone talking about you in these terms! The power of Authentic Leaders comes from a deep knowledge of who they are and what's important. They want others to lead while they serve. They achieve their goals by making their followers feel strong, capable and hopeful. They liberate people, expand them and search out their strengths. They expect others to have all the answers. In their presence others feel big. People follow them because they want to.
The influence of Control Leaders is usually restricted to the people they directly control and is usually relatively short term. The influence of Authentic Leaders often touches people they have no contact with and usually continues for years after they are dead.
We have just developed a 3-day Program will get you on the road to Authentic Leadership so people follow you because they want to rather than because they are forced to through a lack of options. It will help you become an Authentic Leader, who liberates untapped human energy by empowering and supporting others to act.
I think the future of the world depends on authentic leaders, therefore, the BIG question is how can we develop them?